Prophy Institute for applied Prophylaxis

in the Competence Center Bio-Security


Our mission is to develop alternative antimicrobials and vaccines
Prophy-Institute works a cross various disciplines to develop natural products and vaccines for animals to Effectively control the emergence of antibiotic resistant microorganisms.
We develop new green products based on phytogenic substances, and probiotics for sustainable farming sector.
We provide customized development solutions such as customized vaccine development to reduce the cost of trials and errors and to increase the vaccines safety and effectiveness.
We evaluate the safety and efficacy of the natural products to provide a customized solutions to maximize the product efficacy.
We organize public workshops and training to prioritize ethical principles in food production.


Implementation of ecofriendly favorable products for sustainable farming sector worldwide
The use of antibiotics in agriculture is currently under criticism due to the emergence of antibiotic resistant microorganisms, which recently have been identified among the most important problems threatening human health globally. Additionally, there is an increase in the consumer awareness and urgent demand for natural and healthier products. Therefore, Prophy-Institute aims to develop alternative, and ecologically favorable products, such as development of more potent natural antimicrobials and vaccines, which can replace the synthetic chemicals with a focus on future-oriented agropastoral farming systems